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  1. Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia

    網頁3 天前 · In his 1767 An Essay on the History of Civil Society, Ferguson uses the four stages of progress, a theory that was popular in Scotland at the time, to explain how humans advance from a hunting and gathering …

  2. Civil society must raise ambition towards a pact for the future, fit ...

  3. John Locke - Wikipedia

    網頁2 天前 · Like Hobbes, Locke assumed that the sole right to defend in the state of nature was not enough, so people established a civil society to resolve conflicts in a civil way with help from government in a state of …

  4. List of freedom indices - Wikipedia

    網頁2 天前 · The index covers the following areas: Rule of Law, Security and Safety, Movement, Religion, Association, Assembly, Civil Society, Expression, Relationships, Size of Government, Legal System and …

  5. 文藝復興 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

  6. Civil Society - World Bank Group

    網頁2024年5月20日 · The World Bank Group (WBG) engages with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) around the globe to create lasting solutions for people and planet. To address poverty, conflict, fragility, climate …


    • wikipedia


  7. CSM

  8. Civil Society | Canada Commons

  9. Civil Society: Research & Analysis | CSIS

  10. Rwanda - ICNL