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  1. The principles of prevention fire safety are1234:
    • Identify potential fire hazards and report problems
    • Eliminate or control ignition sources and keep them away from fuel
    • Restrict fuel availability and reduce fire-prone materials
    • Provide early warning and detection systems
    • Practice fire safety policies and procedures
    • Mark emergency exits and train staff or fire wardens
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    That’s why it’s important to understand the five principles of fire prevention and control: identify potential fire hazards, eliminate ignition sources, restrict fuel availability, provide early warning, and practice fire safety.…

    We all need to be alert to anything that could cause a fire, and take responsibility to report problems so they can be corrected. Fire prevention involves reducing fuel for a fire, reducing or controlling ignition sources and keeping fuel and ignition sources apart.…
    The prevention of fire and the protection of life and property is one of the key principles to fire safety. In addition, there should be appropriate and effective fire safety arrangements, policies and procedures, well-trained staff or fire wardens and regular fire safety checks conducted throughout the entire workplace.…

    Core Principles of Fire Safety Training

    • 1. Reduce Fire Hazards in Your Workplace Fire safety training teaches everyone in an organisation how to avoid fires. ...…