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  1. Transcript: Is ‘personality’ a good enough reason to hire someone?

  2. Personality Test: Your Nail Shape Reveals Your Hidden Personality …

  3. Folk spørger også om
    This personality hire trend is highlighting something we’ll sort of know. Being sparky, making people feel good at work can help us get ahead. But as Tessa warned me, if colleagues start thinking you’re only good at being fun, well, that can put a serious ceiling on your career. Be friendly to your colleagues.
    So I think that there’s kind of a lot of discourse online about what a personality hire is. Like, a lot of people feel that a personality hire is someone who is just added to the company because of their personality, because of their charisma, and not because of the other skills that they bring to the table.
    I’m . . . this was so great. [MUSIC PLAYING] Invisible hierarchies have always been important at work and Gen Z have cottoned on quickly. This personality hire trend is highlighting something we’ll sort of know. Being sparky, making people feel good at work can help us get ahead.
    And that is a variable that predicts team performance, which most personality traits don’t.
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