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    [əsəʊʃɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n, əsəʊsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n]
    association (noun) · associations (plural noun)
      • ecology
        a stable plant community including a characteristic group of dominant plant species:
        "a bog association containing ericaceous plants"
    1. a connection or cooperative link between people or organizations:
      "he developed a close association with the university" · "the programme was promoted in association with the Department of Music"
      • the process or state of becoming a subordinate member of an organization:
        "an association agreement between Bulgaria and the EU"
      • chemistry
        the linking of molecules through hydrogen bonding or other interaction short of full bond formation.
    2. (associations)
      a mental connection between things:
      "the word bureaucracy has unpleasant associations"
      • the action of making a mental connection:
        "there's nothing new in the association of fasting with spirituality"
      • the state of occurring with something else; co-occurrence:
        "cases of cancer found in association with colitis"
    mid 16th century (in the sense ‘uniting in a common purpose’): from medieval Latin associatio(n-), from Latin associare ‘to unite, ally’ (see associate).
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